Now this case has been handed over to Nangang Intermediate People's Court and will be in trial soon. 王莉和张志福被依法逮捕,目前此案已经移交南岗区中级人民法院,不日将开庭审理。
This is a point of view held by an Intermediate Court judge in his article. 这是某中级人民法院,法官撰文表达的看法。
The presiding judge leaves, understood that the situation will inform the charge in the future not wrong, is the Intermediate court agreement. 庭长出,了解情况日后告知收费没错,是中级法院同意的。
Beijing's1st intermediate people's court has accepted the appeal, and both cases are being holding hearings presently. 北京第一中级人民法院接受了上诉,这两件案子正在举行听证会,目前。
Public prosecutor to Gong Deyong suspicion of manslaughter to the Hefei Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. 公诉机关以龚德勇涉嫌故意杀人罪向合肥市中院提起公诉。
However, according to another law, Yantai Intermediate People's Court has no jurisdiction over such securities litigation. 然而,根据另一种法律,烟台市中级人民法院对诉讼没有管辖权的证券。
Rio said yesterday that it was aware of the trial to hear formal charges against its four Shanghai employees, to be held at Shanghai Number One Intermediate Court from Monday. 力拓昨日表示,该公司知道上海市第一中级法院将从下周一起开庭审理其四名上海雇员所涉案件。
The Nanjing Intermediate court afterward legally decided the mountain west road Department store to lose a lawsuit! 南京中级法院后来依法判决山西路百货商店败诉!
Until now, the indictment hasn't been served to the defendant from the Xinxiang Intermediate People's Court. 至今新乡市中级人民法院尚未向被告人送达起诉书。
The lawsuit was put on record by Shenzhen City Intermediate People's Court on Dec22. 此案于12月22日由深圳市中级人民法院立案受理。
He has10 days to appeal against the verdict by the Beijing No1 intermediate court. 他如不服北京市第一中级人民法院的判决,可在十日内提出上诉。
If refusing to accept the judgment, the defendant may appeal to the Beijing No.2 Intermediate Court directly or through the court within ten days as of the second day of receiving the written judgment. 如不服本判决,可于接到判决书的第二日起十日内,通过本院或直接向北京第二中级人民法院提出上诉。
Do some how many matters, need to be always troublesome the Intermediate court even above department, goes to time-consuming solution each kind of question? 有多少事情,需要总是麻烦中级法院甚至以上的部门,去耗时解决各种问题?
Not agree to the Beijing First Intermediate People's Court administrative proceedings. 不同意北京市第一中级人民法院提起行政诉讼。
After hearing the case, the Shenzhen intermediate people's court ruled that the trademark "sendon" was registered in China mainland by the plaintiff and should be protected by law. 深圳市中级人民法院审理认为,原告在中国大陆申请注册的“sendon”商标受法律保护;
The related legal fee question, the Nanjing Intermediate court also the form once more emphasized by "eight prohibition rule" in2003. 有关诉讼费问题,南京中级法院也以“八条禁令”形式在2003年再次强调。
The Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court did not respond to requests for comment. 北京第一中级人民法院也未对置评请求作出答复。
Xinhua said: The Shanghai Municipal First Intermediate People's Court has accepted this case according to the law. 新华社表示:上海市第一中级人民法院依法受理了此案。
I was bound for Shanghai, Chengdu and bought a train ticket, go straight to Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court. 我是开往上海,成都,买了火车票,直接进入上海第一中级人民法院。
FR District Court in CS City should transfer the materials and lawsuit costs to Beijing Second Intermediate Court immediately according to the provisions of law. 按规定CS市FR区法院应将此案卷材料和诉讼费立即移送北京第二中院审理。
Through analysis on the recent Ningbo Intermediate Court's ruling, the court's weaknesses in adjudicate reasoning, law application and legal construction could be observed. 通过对宁波中院有关裁定的分析,可发现其在裁判逻辑、法律适用与解释上的不足。
S eller Oh, I live in the east of the Municipal Square, you can walk through Taiyuan Street, and take the221bus and get off the bus at the Municipal Intermediate Court. 卖主哦,我家住在市政府广场的东侧,你可以穿过太原街步行街,乘坐221路公交车到沈阳市中级法院下车。
Both apply recalling the lawsuit to the second Beijing intermediate people's court. 双方共同向北京市第二中级人民法院申请撤诉。
Lhasa Municipal Intermediate Court 严格执法,为经济建设保驾护航&拉萨市中级人民法院
Secondly, analyses the rationality and effectiveness of judgment from Yulin City Intermediate People court, and points out that the judgment of a people court should be respected and implemented. 其次,详细地分析了榆林市中院的所作判决的合理性及判决的效力问题,指出人民法院的判决应当被尊重和执行。
The people courts in our country are divided into four-stage, namely grass-roots people court, intermediate people court, superior people court and supreme people court. The criminal grade jurisdiction system resolves the problems which stage court have jurisdiction over criminal cases. 我国共有四级人民法院,即基层人民法院、中级人民法院、高级人民法院和最高人民法院,刑事诉讼级别管辖制度解决的就是哪些刑事案件应由哪一级人民法院负责第一审审判的问题。
As for common civil cases, an intermediate appellate court serves as the court of final appeal, since the hearing of the former court is enough to do justice and guarantee the uniform application of law. 对一般的民事案件来说,中级上诉法院就是终审法院,因为经过该级法院的审理,一般足以保证案件的正确处理和法律适用的统一适用。